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Farm For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871

Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871 Business For Sale: Bedgerabong, NSW 2871

Eulomo Aggregation (2095ac), 2071 Yarrabandai Rd, Forbes

Contact Agent

847.88 ha
KMWL are pleased to bring to the market "Eulomo Aggregation" consisting of 848Ha (2095ac) in total over adjoining 3 properties. This package great opportunity to purchase a productive mixed farming enterprise with irrigation potential in the renowned Bedgerabong area. (Preferred to be sold as a whole but will consider separating).

"Eulomo" has proven to be a great fodder block as it has grown great lucerne and clover pastures in the past. There are several sandy rises providing high ground for stock in wet conditions.

The property is timbered by mainly larger well-established box showing the true depth of the quality soil which is made of predominantly red sandy loams running into heavier alluvial type country.

Water certainly is a feature with 8 S & D bores scattered throughout the property as well as an unequipped irrigation bore.

"EULOMO" - 640 ac
- 500 Meg of unregulated Goobang Creek water
- Several equipped S & D bores
- 170 acres has been laser levelled in the past
- 18m x 12m hay /machinery shed
- 1 x 60T, 2 x 40T silos
- 2 stand shearing shed (not functional in current condition)

"WESTBROOK" - 640 ac
- 143 Meg of unregulated Goobang Creek water

"TRAVESDALE" - 815 ac
- 9" irrigation bore (unequipped - zero allocation)

Inspection by appointment only - Please call Gavan Coote on 0498 153 300

Contact Owner/Agent

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